Weekly Webinars


Our goal is to help you find a job. We conduct weekly FREE Webinars on hot topics for job seekers. You can also ask questions that will provide solutions to the problems you may be facing.

If you have already subscribed to Job Search That Works and confirmed you subscription, you have been sent a link to access the Career Portal. If you have not subscribed:

These webinars are conducted LIVE. However, if you cannot attend live, we also archive them in the Career Portal.

Magnetic Job Network

Re-THINK! Building Your Self-Confidence for a Successful Job Search

Date: 02/04/2015 12:00 PM Eastern Time

Topic: Re-THINK! Building Your Self-Confidence for a Successful Job Search
Date: Wednesday, February 4th
Time: 12:00 pm EST (9:00 am PST, 10:00 am MST, 11:00 am CST)

Self-confidence is a problem that plagues more people and keeps them from moving forward on their job search and their dreams.

You are not alone on this. It doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 80, male or female, with 30 years of experience in your career or just starting out. The lack of self-confidence and self-doubt is something that affects many people.

Here is an opportunity to get beyond the years of worry and concern about being “good enough”. This is about having the inner-strength to know what you want and to go after it confidently.

Self-confidence impacts your job search as well as your happiness in life. Learn how the feeling of “not being enough” is an illusion that impacts millions of people.

The internal drive to “want to be enough” often requires things being perfect before proceeding. This is all part of a trap based on our pattern of thinking. If you are waiting for things to be perfect…you have a long wait before you’ll ever be satisfied.

This webinar is dedicated to inspiring you to know who you are and to see the personal satisfaction that you can have now and forever.

You will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn the keys to building your self-confidence for success in your job search
  • The tools to make lasting changes in your pattern of thinking.
  • Shift from “not enough” to truly having self-worth!
  • Stop comparing yourself to others!
  • Discover how easy you can go from invisible to VISIBLE
  • Build and strengthen your attitude – Be a Yes to YOU!

You can take a deep breath of relief. Say, “Goodbye to the Lack of Self-Confidence”

Registration: Follow the instructions below.


Resume or CV with Career Summary

How to Write a Standout Resume

Date: 02/10/2015 11:00 AM Eastern Time

Topic: How to Write a Stand-Out Resume
Date: Tuesday, February 10th
Time: 11:00 am EST (8:00 am PST, 9:00 am MST, 10:00 am CST)

Is your job search stalling? Could your resume use some help? Unsure if your resume is actually effective? This webinar will address all of the components of what actually makes a resume a WINNING resume. Appealing to all levels of job seekers, this instructional session will provide best-in-class tips that you need to start using today.

Registration Link: Follow the Instructions Below

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Tired of Being Ignored?

Date: 02/19/2015 02:00 PM Eastern Time

Topic: Tired of Being Ignored?
Date: Thursday, February 19th
Time: 2:00 pm EST (11:00 am PST, 12:00 pm MST, 1:00 pm CST)

Have you ever felt invisible to hiring authorities and recruiters? Do you feel like your resume ends up in a black hole? Are you frustrated by no one calling you back? During this Webinar we will address these three frustrations and how you can improve the results you achieve during your job search:
How to be noticed by hiring authorities and recruiters?
Steps to get your resume noticed
What it takes to get called back!


Registration Link: Follow the Instructions Below

Smart Goals

Set and Attain Smart Goals

Date: 02/25/2015 03:00 PM Eastern Time

Topic: Set and Attain Smart Goals
Date: Wednesday, February 25th
Time: 3:00 pm EST (12:00 pm PST, 1:00 pm MST, 2:00 pm CST)


It’s important to set realistic but ambitious goals throughout your Job Search. During this Webinar you will learn the following when setting goals:

  • What to Avoid
  • How to Set Attainable Goals
  • How to Attain Goals You Set
  • How to Measure your Success

Registration: Follow the instructions below.


Career Portal Webinar

Registration Instructions

If you are already subscribed to Job Search That Works, here are the instructions to register for one of the LIVE webinar events.

Sign in the the Career Portal … then:

  1. Select the “Home” tab.
  2. Select the “Webinar” tab.
  3. Click on the link to the webinar you wish to attend and complete the registration

If you have not yet registered for the Career Portal …


Career Portal

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• Weekly FREE Job Seeker Webinars

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