by Raymond Gooch | Nov 26, 2014 |
Today’s episode, is about Changing Careers the SMART Way. We are talking with someone who did just that. Holding nothing back, our guest shares his struggles, successes and techniques. If you are in the middle of a career change or even thinking about one, you will want to take notes for sure.
Robert shares his secret sauce for making a career change. He understood that 80% of all positions are filled without ever being advertised or posted on job boards. Robert is progressing in an amazing career that he loves and every one of his positions have come as a result of SMART networking.
by Raymond Gooch | Nov 6, 2014 |
Knowing what to wear to an interview can really improve your chances of getting that new job. But if you make some common mistakes, you could be out of consideration before you answer the very first question. Your personal appearance doesn’t necessarily reflect who you are on the inside or guarantee you will get hired. However, being well groomed can keep the employer from being distracted by an unacceptable appearance and help them focus on the value you bring to their organization. That’s what really counts!
Let’s face it, we don’t interview every day. It’s difficult enough to prepare the right answers and now you have to worry about how to dress. We don’t even know the employer’s expectations. So let’s take the edge off and explore reasonable ways to present a professional image.
by Raymond Gooch | Oct 30, 2014 |
It is time to speak about a few daily rituals that will enhance your search and are often overlooked. But trust me, they make all the difference in the world.
1. Plan the night before
2. Get to bed at a reasonable time
3. Wake up early
4. Reserve the first hour of the day for you … no technology, no telephone calls, no social media, NO EMAIL! Spend this time praying, meditating, taking a walk, exercising, or appreciating nature. This time is just for you … do something that nourishes your soul.
by Raymond Gooch | Oct 23, 2014 |
Organizing your job search step by step by step is a must. Looking for a new job can be so overwhelming that it helps to know what to do every step of the way. As with any project, a plan is needed to move from concept to completion. No matter how large or small, each step can be mapped out in its proper order, so when the time comes to begin assembling all the pieces, they fit together seamlessly.
by Raymond Gooch | Oct 16, 2014 |
Learn about the common mistakes and misconceptions about properly interacting with recruiters. Find out what they can and cannot do to assist you in your efforts to take a step up in your career. We heard from a veteran recruiter about the best way to interact with recruiters. They are a valuable resource from a long term perspective when you are contacting them. However, when they contact you, take the call. You never know when something wonderful is about to happen.
by Raymond Gooch | Oct 9, 2014 |
In order to have an effective Job Search, it is imperative that anger, bitterness, resentments and such get resolved. Be honest with yourself about your wounds. These can negatively impact the way others view you. Acknowledge the impact they have had on you. Realize that you have the ability to choose how to interpret the situation. Do everything that you can to move on and allow others to do the same.
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