Welcome to the Job Search That Works Podcast. I’m  you host, Ray Gooch. We will answer your questions about how to navigate the challenges of looking for new job landing you quickly and safely into a career you love with a bright future. In today’s episode, we  are talking about  How to organize your job search step by step by step. Looking for a new job can be so overwhelming that it helps to know what to do every step of the way.

Highlights From the Previous Episode

But before we dive into today’s topic, I wanted to remind you of what we covered in our last show, episode 010.  We explored the common mistakes and misconceptions about the right way to interact with recruiters. We found out what they can do to help us advance in our careers in the long term. But we also found out that they weren’t usually the right place to focus our attention if we need immediate results. We interviewed Steve Darby, a veteran recruiter. He gave some great advice on developing a good relationship with recruiters. One valuable takeaway from the conversation was that when a recruiter calls you, it’s probably a good idea to take the call. You never know when something wonderful is about to happen. If you missed it, you can listen by going to JobSearchThatWorks.com/010.

On This Episode

I have some really BIG projects on my plate. In fact, I feel like I have backed myself into a corner. There is not time to get distracted or fall into deeply ingrained unproductive habits. Every minute needs to count. Do you you feel like that? Can you relate? As with any project, a plan is needed to move from concept to completion. No matter how large or small, each step can be mapped out in its proper order, so when the time comes to begin assembling all the pieces, they fit together seamlessly. Let’s take a look at some of the big pieces to the job search puzzle.

  1. Pick a quite place to work without distraction.
  2. Play instrumental music in the background to enhance focus. Try calm.com or foucsatwill
  3. Write a personal appraisal.
  4. Write a professional appraisal.
  5. Compile a work history including: – Title – Company – Dates of employment – Education – Certifications – Volunteer activity
  6. Write your resume and cover-letter – Decide the typer of resume tat best fits your situation – Chronological – Functional – Combination – High Impact – Make two resume templates. One for face to face interviews and one for online submission. – Design and order resume cards.
  7. Write your 30 second pitch or elevator speech
  8. Write your voicemail script.
  9. Create Call List – Identify your network – Identify your target list of companies (150 contacts = 7 interviews = 1 offer)
  10. Compile a list of networking events, such as job fairs and business expos.
  11. Create a Google Alert to be notified of upcoming networking opportunities. Here is the link to Google Alerts.
  12. Make a list of job transition groups that meet in your area and put them on your calendar.
  13. Compile a list of recruiters that work in your field.
  14. Compile a list of temporary employment agencies.
  15. Compile a list of contracting firms.
  16. Select a job board service like Indeed or Simply Hired that compile the postings from hundreds or thousands of job boards. Subscribe to www.JobSearchThatWorks.com and get free access to our Career Portal that gives you access to such a service. NOTE: This is NOT with the intention of applying. Listen to this section of the podcast for the proper use of Job Boards.
  17. Select a planner to keep yourself organized.
  18. Build a master marketing list from the list of companies you compiled in your target list of companies and from the people you listed in your network list.
  19. Fill out your planner the night before. Make sure it includes: – A prioritized task list – Calendar – Diary with notes – Expenses
  20. Purchase – Envelopes – Stamps – Thank you cards



Today we covered the 20 Steps in an effective job search. And remember, next week we will continue this topic in Part 2 covering the 13 recommended rituals to put your job search in overdrive.

Something to Ponder

“Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others planned for us.” – Richard I. Winwood Thank you for spending time with me today. I truly appreciate it.

What are your thoughts?

When trying to organize your job search, what are you having trouble with? Share your thoughts in the comment section of the show notes.

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