We are trusted by the world’s leading navies and coast guards to energize their missions. From full naval-specification, high voltage electric grids for power and propulsion to cost-effective hybrid electrification options.
A new naval era is emerging, fast. Fleets need to be mission-configurable, highly capable for military advantage, adaptable for technology insertion, and affordable.
The critical enabler is energy. It unlocks military effects, speed, responsiveness, endurance and connectivity. Through electrification, smart automation and control, energy in the electric ship’s grid is scalable and flexible, ready to supply high-energy defense systems and integrate cleaner, more efficient energy technologies.
We have the most electric and hybrid ship system references, leading in applications from the largest, complex warships to the latest support and patrol ships. We bring specialist naval engineering with a commercial mindset, unlocking the benefits of electrification right across the fleet.